Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti – Pescara
Software modules in use: EasyBadge, EasyApp Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
EasyLesson is the module of the EasyAcademy suite for the management and online booking of classroom seats for students.
EasyLesson is a module that EasyStaff has implemented to allow the safe management, during the Covid-19 emergency, of the restart of classroom lessons in order to limit as much as possible the number of people gathered inside the buildings and classrooms of the universities.
The Covid-19 emergency in fact led the Universities to adopt a “mixed” teaching method (part of the students in the classroom and part of the students in video-conferencing) and to review the maximum number of students in the classrooms (50%, 30%, 20% depending on the degree of physical distance to be obtained).
In this condition, it is necessary for students to book their place in the classroom in order to limit a too high influx of participants and thus guarantee the general emergency arrangements.
EasyLesson allows students, appropriately logged in to the system, to book their seat through a specific entry in the Web Planner for students and teachers and/or in the EasyApp mobile application; the booking can be completed up to the maximum capacity of the classroom and up to the maximum number of hours that can be booked by each individual student, a limit that guarantees the creation of student “shifts” and thus ensures a balance in the participation of students.
At the end of the booking, the student is issued with a QR Code for the access to the spaces, which will be checked on the day of the lesson at the entrance of the buildings by the University’s controller users using the EasyStaff Access Control module; in this way it is possible to trace not only those who booked the lesson but also those who actually showed up.
With the self-declaration of the seat in the classroom function, which can be activated by the customer, it is also possible to make students responsible for declaring their presence or absence from the lesson and, in the case of presence, to allow the indication of the seat number (always with the aim of physically tracking participants).
EasyLesson has a private back-end section that can be used, with different permissions, by University users, School/Department users and by Teachers themselves.
In the private section it is possible to manage the general configurations of the system, such as the reduced capacity of classrooms, the access shifts, the rules for booking lessons, etc. and it is possible to consult and export the data on bookings and accesses with very intuitive displays that allow a simple search for cases of possible contact with a positive student.
With the upgrade called Invitation to participation with QR Code sending, EasyStaff wanted to extend the EasyLesson functionalities also to events other than lessons; with this module it is possible to send the QR Code of access to the spaces to students and other participants, even for events such as Exams, Conferences, Entrance Tests, Open Days, etc. with the ultimate aim of maintaining the maximum possible tracking of people entering the University spaces.
EasyLesson is integrated with:
EasyRoom is the module of the EasyAcademy suite that manages University classrooms and laboratories bookings.
Thanks to the system integration between the two modules it is possible to inherit all the lessons planned within EasyRoom that will be booked by the students.
Web Planner for students and teachers
The students and teachers’ web planner is an EasyAcademy suite module that allows public consultation of information to be provided to students and teachers.
Thanks to the system integration between the two modules it is possible to add the Book Your Place section of the Web Planner that allows students to configure their profile (select the courses they intend to attend in the classroom, make and manage reservations for lessons and consult the QR Code for access to the spaces (also sent by e-mail).
EasyApp is a mobile application for students and teachers of the EasyAcademy suite.
Thanks to the system integration between the two modules it is possible to add the Book Your Place section of the EasyApp that allows students to configure their profile (select the courses they intend to attend in the classroom, make and manage reservations for lessons and consult the QR Code for access to the spaces (also sent by e-mail).
Software modules in use: EasyBadge, EasyApp Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom, EasyApp Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyApp Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Modalità di fornitura: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom (light) (Department of Economics and Management) Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyApp Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Modalità di fornitura: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom (light) Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Authentication, U-Gov Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom (light) Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Authentication, U-Gov Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom, EasyApp Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-Gov, UP, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning, EasyApp Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: GOMP, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyRegister, EasyBadge Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom, EasyBadge Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse (light), EasyRoom, EasyLesson, EasyApp Mothod of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-Gov Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyAnalytics, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-Gov, Esse3, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyBadge, EasyApp, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom (Scuola Politecnica e delle Scienze di Base) Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-Gov, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse (light), EasyRoom, EasyRegister Method of supply: in Hosting Integration with other software: OAuth2 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in House Integrations with other software: U-Gov, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyLesson, EasyBadge, EasyTest Method of supply: in Hosting Client website::
Software modules in use: EasyCourse (light), EasyRoom, EasyBadge, EasyApp, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyBadge, EasyApp Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyRegister, EasyLesson Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: ESSE3, Software Laboratori Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyLesson, EasyApp, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Shibboleth, U-Gov, Esse3 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyAnalytics, EasyBadge, EasyApp, EasySyllabus, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-Gov Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyRoom Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyThesis, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Shibboleth, U-GOV, ESSE3 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyApp Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyAnalytics, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Web Integrato, Shibboleth, app MyUnivr Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyRegister, EasyAnalytics, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-GOV, LDAP, ESSE3, app LUISS Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Shibboleth, personal data recovery, other University management systems Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-GOV, Shibboleth, Esse3 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyLesson Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Shibboleth, ESSE3 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyLesson Method of supply: in House Integrations with other software: U-GOV, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyThesis, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-GOV, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyLesson Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Shibboleth, ESSE3 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in House Integrations with other software: U-GOV, Shibboleth, ESSE3 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse Method of supply: in House Integrations with other software: SpaceBooking MRBS, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in House Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyStudy Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-GOV, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse (Facoltà di Informatica) Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyThesis, EasyRoom, EasyAnalytics, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: CAS, W4 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse Method of supply: in House Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyBadge, EasyApp, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: Esse3, Shibboleth Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyThesis, EasyRoom, EasyAnalytics, EasyApp, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning, EasyBadge Method of supply: in Hosting Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyAnalytics, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Integrations with other software: U-GOV, LDAP, CAS Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyRoom Method of supply: in House Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning, EasyApp Method of supply: in House Integrations with other software: U-GOV, LDAP, ESSE3 Client website:
Software modules in use: EasyCourse, EasyTest, EasyRoom, EasyApp, EasyBadge, EasyLesson, EasyPlanning Method of supply: in Hosting Number of structures activated: University-wide purchase Client website: